Maundy Thursday Service
Trinity’s Maundy Thursday service will be a choral Holy Eucharist, Rite II with an (optional) Washing of the Feet. We hope to see you at 7 PM in the Cathedral.
Trinity’s Maundy Thursday service will be a choral Holy Eucharist, Rite II with an (optional) Washing of the Feet. We hope to see you at 7 PM in the Cathedral.
Trinity’s first Good Friday service will be held on Cathedral Chancel at 12 PM. Join us for a quiet and contemplative Rite I service.
Join us for a special Stations of the Cross service, designed for children and families, on Good Friday, April 18 at 5 PM in the Ocander Gallery.
Trinity’s second Good Friday Service will be held in the Cathedral. We hope you’ll join us for a choral, Rite II service at 7 PM.
The Great Vigil of Easter will be held at 7 PM on Saturday, April 19 in the Cathedral. The lighting of the new fire will occur in the courtyard on 18th Street before the service begins.
Celebrate the Resurrection of Lord on Sunday, April 20! Our first service will be a festive, Rite I Holy Eucharist at 8:30 AM in the Cathedral.
Celebrate the Resurrection of Lord on Sunday, April 20! Our second service will be a festive, Rite II Holy Eucharist at 10:30 AM in the Cathedral.
Trinity will hold a special service on the Eve of The Annunciation of Our Lord, Monday, Mar. 24, at 7 PM in the Nativity Chapel. Join our Chapel Worship Team for a contemplative, Rite I service. Enter through the red door on Capitol Ave.
Our second Ash Wednesday service will be a choral service using Rite II language. Join us in the Cathedral at 7 PM for Holy Eucharist, the Distribution of Ashes, and the beginning of a Holy Lent.
Trinity will host DioNeb’s Annual Recovery Eucharist on Friday, Jan. 31 at 7 PM in the Cathedral and livestreamed on our YouTube Channel.
On Sunday, Jan. 26 Trinity will hold a COMBINED worship service at 10 AM, followed by the Annual Meeting.
On Sunday, Jan. 19, Trinity will celebrate Order of St. Vincent Sunday and Religious Life Sunday. Abby Z. Ybay, Oblate of The Benedictine Way, will preach, and we will recognize the members of our R. H. Clarkson Chapter of the Order of St. Vincent.
Trinity will celebrate the birth of our Savior on Christmas Day, December 25 with a Carol Sing and Holy Eucharist, beginning at 10:30 AM. Our Children’s Gaudete Choir will lead us in music and sing a our offertory anthem.
Trinity’s Midnight Service on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24 begins at 10 PM. This festive Holy Eucharist begins with a 30-minute musical prelude. Join us in vigil this night before Christmas as we wait for the coming of our Lord.
Join us at Trinity Cathedral on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24 for our 7 PM Festive Holy Eucharist. The service begins with a 30-minute musical prelude from our Cathedral Choir, Handbell Ensemble, organists, vocalists, and other talented musicians.
Trinity’s first Christmas Eve service begins at 4:30 PM on Tuesday, December 24. Our Sunday School Christmas Pageant will occur during this service, and the congregation can join in singing familiar carols.
Cantare! Renaissance Choir will collaborate with our Trinity Cathedral Choir in a special worship service of Lessons & Carols on Sunday, Dec. 22 at 7 PM here at Trinity.
Trinity’s Blue Christmas service will be on Tuesday, Dec. 17 at 7 PM in the Nativity Chapel, enter through the red door on Capitol Ave. A Blue Christmas service is a time when we can, with others, acknowledge the "blue" feelings we have at Christmas time.
Join us in the Nativity Chapel on Thursday, Dec. 12 at 6:30 PM for a special celebration of Holy Eucharist on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. After the service all are invited to a snack reception in the Undercroft.
The community of The Benedictine Way invites you to their Advent Taize Service on Tuesday, Dec. 10 at 7 PM.
Trinity’s annual Peacemaker Service on the Feast of St. Francis is Wednesday, October 9 at 7 PM in the Cathedral. Join us as we pray for peace in our city, nation, and world.
Trinity’s Fall Kick-off is coming up on Sunday, August 25. We will hold one COMBINED service at 9:30 AM (Quiet, Rite I) followed by food, fellowship, and FUN-raising. Lunch will be a Parish Potluck, and a Ministry Fair in Clarkson will have information about many of Trinity’s ministries.
Mark your calendars for Sunday, August 18! The Cantare! vocal ensemble will join us in worship at 10:30 AM service to lead us in music and sing special anthems for the Prelude, Offertory, and Communion. Learn about Cantare! at
On Sunday, July 28, we will be joined by Deacon Teresa Houser and the women of Magdalene Omaha! Deacon Teresa will preach at both services, and Thistle Lights products will be available for purchase in the Clarkson Center.
Members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies are invited to Trinity’s Third Annual Pride Mass! This joyful celebration of the Holy Eucharist will occur on Wednesday, July 10 at 7 PM at the cathedral (113 N. 18th St., Omaha). Our Cathedral Choir will be joined by guest singers from across Greater Omaha to lead us in music, and the service will use the Book of Common Prayer Expansive Language Text. All are welcome to receive communion at Trinity.
In addition to Sunday worship, Trinity offers a Vigil Service on the Second Saturday of the month at 5:30 PM in the Nativity Chapel. On June 8, the service will be followed by a special presentation on St. Aelred by Amanda Cardon at 6:30 PM. We hope you can join us!
Summer Choir begins on June 2, the Sunday following Trinity Sunday. Adults who wish to sing in this volunteer choir may join us in the choir room to rehearse at 9:30 AM on Sunday mornings before the 10:30 AM service. No Wednesday choir rehearsals required.
Trinity is excited to again partner with Kountze Memorial Lutheran Church for our joint service on the Feast of the Ascension.
In addition to Sunday worship, Trinity offers a Vigil Service on the Second Saturday of the month at 5:30 PM in the Nativity Chapel. Enter through the red door on Capitol Avenue. This service uses traditional language, hymnody, chant, and incense.
Our Vigil Service Worship Team invites you to Holy Eucharist on the Feast of the Annunciation, April 8, 2024 at 6 PM in the Nativity Chapel. Enter through the red door on Capitol Avenue.
Our second worship service on Easter Day will be a Rite II service on Sunday, March 31 at 10:30 AM in the cathedral nave. We hope you will join us for worship with beautiful music as we joyfully celebrate Christ’s resurrection!
Our first worship service on Easter Day will be a Rite I service on Sunday, March 31 at 8:30 AM in the cathedral nave. We hope you will join us for worship with beautiful music as we joyfully celebrate Christ’s resurrection!
Worship on the Great Vigil of Easter will be held on Saturday, March 30 at 6 PM in the cathedral nave. Please gather outside beside the Courtyard fountain for the lighting of the new fire.
Our evening Good Friday service will be held on Friday, March 29 at 7:00 PM in the cathedral nave. We hope you will join us for this service and all of Holy Week.
Trinity’s Good Friday Stations of the Cross interactive service for Children and Families will be held on Friday, March 29 at 5:30 PM. We hope you will join us for this service and all of Holy Week.
Our first Good Friday service will be held on Friday, March 29 at 12:10 PM in the Nativity Chapel. Enter through the red door on Capitol Avenue. We hope you will join us for this service and all of Holy Week.
Trinity’s Maundy Thursday service will be held on Thursday, March 28 at 7:00 PM in the cathedral nave. We hope you will join us for this service and all of Holy Week.