Pauli Murray Study & Supper
On Saturdays at 4:30 PM, Trinity will lead a five-week Christian education series, Building True Community, about The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray. A Lenten soup dinner will follow each study in the Clarkson Center.
On Saturdays at 4:30 PM, Trinity will lead a five-week Christian education series, Building True Community, about The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray. A Lenten soup dinner will follow each study in the Clarkson Center.
During the season of Lent, our Adult Formation group will reflect on a study by Kate Bowler called The Hardest Part: Hurt we Carry, Hope we Find. We meet at 5:45 PM for evening prayer followed by our study from 6-7 PM in the Clarkson Conference Room.
Gather with our Pauli Murray study group in the Clarkson Center before attending the RCMC Rebel With a Cause Concert on Saturday, April 5, 7:05 PM! Email Dean Clark to RSVP for discounted tickets.
On Wednesday, April 9, our Adult Formation group will finish our reflection on a study by Kate Bowler called The Hardest Part: Hurt we Carry, Hope we Find. We meet at 5:45 PM for evening prayer followed by our study from 6-7 PM in the Clarkson Conference Room.
Trinity’s Maundy Thursday service will be a choral Holy Eucharist, Rite II with an (optional) Washing of the Feet. We hope to see you at 7 PM in the Cathedral.
Trinity’s first Good Friday service will be held on Cathedral Chancel at 12 PM. Join us for a quiet and contemplative Rite I service.
Join us for a special Stations of the Cross service, designed for children and families, on Good Friday, April 18 at 5 PM in the Ocander Gallery.
Trinity’s second Good Friday Service will be held in the Cathedral. We hope you’ll join us for a choral, Rite II service at 7 PM.
Trinity will hold a special service on the Eve of The Annunciation of Our Lord, Monday, Mar. 24, at 7 PM in the Nativity Chapel. Join our Chapel Worship Team for a contemplative, Rite I service. Enter through the red door on Capitol Ave.
On Saturdays at 4:30 PM, Trinity will lead a five-week Christian education series, Building True Community, about The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray. A Lenten soup dinner will follow each study in the Clarkson Center.
During the season of Lent, our Adult Formation group will reflect on a study by Kate Bowler called The Hardest Part: Hurt we Carry, Hope we Find. We meet at 5:45 PM for evening prayer followed by our study from 6-7 PM in the Clarkson Conference Room.
On Saturdays at 4:30 PM, Trinity will lead a five-week Christian education series, Building True Community, about The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray. A Lenten soup dinner will follow each study in the Clarkson Center.
During the season of Lent, our Adult Formation group will reflect on a study by Kate Bowler called The Hardest Part: Hurt we Carry, Hope we Find. We meet at 5:45 PM for evening prayer followed by our study from 6-7 PM in the Clarkson Conference Room.
On Saturdays at 4:30 PM, Trinity will lead a five-week Christian education series, Building True Community, about The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray. A Lenten soup dinner will follow each study in the Clarkson Center.
Our second Ash Wednesday service will be a choral service using Rite II language. Join us in the Cathedral at 7 PM for Holy Eucharist, the Distribution of Ashes, and the beginning of a Holy Lent.
Our Lenten study focuses on the “observance of a holy Lent.” We will conclude our study on March 13. Adult Formation begins with Evening Prayer at 5:45 PM and continues with study from 6-7 PM in the Clarkson Center.
Our Lenten study focuses on the “observance of a holy Lent.” We will meet on March 6 and 13. Adult Formation begins with Evening Prayer at 5:45 PM and continues with study from 6-7 PM in the Clarkson Center.
Our Lenten study will focus on the “observance of a holy Lent.” We will meet on February 28, and March 6 and 13. Adult Formation begins with Evening Prayer at 5:45 PM and continues with study from 6-7 PM in the Clarkson Center.
Peggy Wolverton, one of Trinity’s organists, will present a recital on the three-manual Austin pipe organ on Sunday, February 25 at 3 PM in the cathedral nave, including the works of J.S. Bach, Johann Pachelbel, Johannes Brahms, Franz Liszt and Robert Lind.
Our Lenten study will focus on the “observance of a holy Lent.” We will meet on February 21 and 28, and March 6 and 13. Adult Formation begins with Evening Prayer at 5:45 PM and continues with study from 6-7 PM in the Clarkson Center.
Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent, and this year it falls on February 14. Trinity’s evening Ash Wednesday service will be held at 7 PM in the cathedral nave. Join us for worship on this day of prayer and fasting.
Weather permitting, Trinity clergy members will be available at the Gene Leahy Mall (1001 Douglas Street) to distribute “Ashes-To-Go” at 1:30 PM on Ash Wednesday, February 14.
Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent, and this year it falls on February 14. Trinity’s first Ash Wednesday service will be held at 12:10 PM in the cathedral nave. Join us for worship on this day of prayer and fasting.
At 7 PM on Wednesday, February 22, Trinity will hold an Ash Wednesday service in the cathedral, accompanied by our choir. Join us in worship and prayer as we look forward to beginning the season of Lent together. Enter through the bell tower doors.
At 12:10 PM on Wednesday, February 22, Trinity will hold a quiet, solemn Ash Wednesday service in the Nativity Chapel. Join us this intimate gathering for worship and prayer as we begin the season of Lent. Enter through the red door on Capitol Avenue.
From 8 - 9 AM on Wednesday, February 22, Trinity Cathedral will provide Ashes-To-Go outside the cathedral at the four corners of 18th & Capitol, 17th & Capitol, 17th & Dodge, and 18th & Dodge. All are welcome.