Our Lenten study focuses on the “observance of a holy Lent.” We will meet on March 6 and 13 to discuss what our Book of Common Prayer offers us as means of this observance through “Self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting and self-denial; and reading and meditating on God’s holy Word.” (BCP p. 265).
Adult Formation begins with Evening Prayer at 5:45 PM and continues with study from 6-7 PM in the Clarkson Center.
We will spend one week on the Rite of Reconciliation of a Penitent led by Dean Vanessa, a week talking about the role of fasting and self-denial, and a week on how to use Scripture and other texts as a means of meditation and prayer. Participants will have the opportunity of participating in private confession if they wish at some point during Lent, as well as developing a plan for implementing the other Lenten disciplines we will be discussing.