Children's Station of the Cross
Join us for a special Stations of the Cross service, designed for children and families, on Good Friday, April 18 at 5 PM in the Ocander Gallery.
Join us for a special Stations of the Cross service, designed for children and families, on Good Friday, April 18 at 5 PM in the Ocander Gallery.
Join us for some family fun on Easter morning! Activities and treats will be in held in the Ocander Gallery at 9:30 AM on Sunday, April 20.
Trinity’s first Christmas Eve service begins at 4:30 PM on Tuesday, December 24. Our Sunday School Christmas Pageant will occur during this service, and the congregation can join in singing familiar carols.
Our nursery for children up to age 5 is offered as a hospitality option for families. It is staffed by professional caregivers and is located on the first floor of the Parish House. On Christmas Eve, it opens at 3 PM.
St. Nicholas is visiting Trinity Cathedral on Saturday, Dec. 7 at 6 PM with the Cantare! Renaissance Choir!
Advent begins on Sunday, December 1. Between the services (9:30-10:15 AM) we will have a special Jesse Tree Family Event in the Ocander Gallery. Join us as we prepare for Advent by journeying through the stories on Jesus’ family tree.
Trinity’s Annual Pumpkin Carving and Chili Supper is Sunday, Oct. 27 in Gardner Hall after the 10:30 AM service. Bring your pumpkins and your favorite chili – and enjoy some family fun! Carving supplies provided. If you plan to bring chili, please RSVP to Patty Kircher at pattykircher@gmail.com.
Our Gaudete Children’s Choir begins rehearsals on Sunday, Sept. 15, with their first rehearsal from 12-1 PM in the Choir Room. The choir is open to youth in grades 3-8 who enjoy music and singing.
Trinity’s Fall Kick-off is coming up on Sunday, August 25. We will hold one COMBINED service at 9:30 AM (Quiet, Rite I) followed by food, fellowship, and FUN-raising. Lunch will be a Parish Potluck, and a Ministry Fair in Clarkson will have information about many of Trinity’s ministries.
May 26 is Trinity Sunday and the end of our regular program year for our choirs and Sunday School. To celebrate our kids and all they’ve learned this year, we’ll be holding the Dean’s Art Show in the Clarkson Center after both services.
Registration for Camp Canterbury opens on Sunday, May 5 at 7 AM at campcanterbury.episcopal-ne.org. Trinity will have computers and forms available that Sunday after the 10:30 AM service in the Clarkson Conference Room.
Trinity’s Good Friday Stations of the Cross interactive service for Children and Families will be held on Friday, March 29 at 5:30 PM. We hope you will join us for this service and all of Holy Week.
The first Christmas Eve service at Trinity Cathedral will begin with a violin music prelude at 4 PM, followed by worship at 4:30 PM in the Cathedral Nave. This service will include our annual Children’s Christmas Pageant, and the prelude features Liam Richardson and Dryden Meints on the violin
During our regular 10:30 AM service on Sunday, December 17, our Choir will lead us through a Lessons & Carols liturgy. They’ll then travel to St. Martin of Tours for another Lessons & Carols service at 4 PM, with a reception to follow.
All are welcome to join us on Sunday, December 3, between the services (9:30-10:15 AM) and after the later service (11:45 PM) to celebrate Mtr. Lisa’s ministry & ordination and make Advent Wreaths in Gardner Hall.
Mark your calendars! Omaha area youth are invited to an all-night lock-in at St. Augustine of Canterbury (285 S 208th St, Elkhorn, NE 68022) on Friday, November 10 for games, activities and movies (and some may choose to sleep!).
All are invited to our annual Chili Potluck and Pumpkin Carving on Sunday, October 22! Meet in Gardner Hall after the 10:30 AM service for delicious chili, fun, and fellowship. Some stencils, paper, pens, and carving supplies will be provided. Please bring your own pumpkin.
Omaha-area families are invited to join us at Vala’s Pumpkin Patch on Wednesday, October 11, from 4:30 - 8:30 PM! Our group will be at a Campsite #51. Hot dogs and smore’s will be provided.
All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to kick off the school year with a pool party at the Kircher’s house on September 17 from 2-5 PM. Thank you to the Kirchers for the kind hospitality!
Trinity is excited to reignite our youth choral programming this year! Gaudete Choir is open to youth in grades 3-8 who enjoy music and singing. Choristers will grow in their understanding of Episcopal liturgy and music, while also deepening their faith.
Our regular program year for Sunday School begins on Sunday, September 10, from 9:30 - 10:15 AM in the third floor classrooms of the Parish Hall. All children ages 3+ are invited to join us for age-based learning, activities, and fun!
Join us after the 10:30 AM service on Sunday, August 27, for a potluck lunch and outdoor activities as we kick off our fall program year! More information to come. If you would like to volunteer to help setup or cleanup, please email the office at office@trinityepiscopal.org.
Trinity will hold a blessing of the backpacks during both services on Sunday, August 13. Students, teachers, school staff, and others who wish to join us will be invited forward for a special prayer, and to receive a button to put on their backpack or bag.
Because this year’s parade is near the cathedral, Trinity will host an open house from 9 AM - 12 PM on the day of the parade, July 15. We will provide refreshments, outdoor seating, and access to bathrooms to parade goers. All are welcome!
Trinity youth (and friends) may join our group attending Youth Pride on Friday, July 14, from 5 - 9 PM at the CHI Health Center.
Youth in grades 7-12 are invited to join us for a Youth Group meeting on May 21. We will meet after the 10:30 AM service (11:45 AM-12:45 PM) in the 3rd Floor Youth Classroom.
Youth in grades 7-12 are invited to join us for a Youth Group meeting on May 7. We will meet after the 10:30 AM service (11:45 AM-12:45 PM) in the 3rd Floor Youth Classroom.
All are invited to join us in Gardner Hall after the 10:30 service on Sunday, April 30 for a pancake breakfast! Our children and youth will be helping with this breakfast, and a freewill offering will be collected.
Youth in grades 7-12 are invited to join us for a Youth Group meeting on April 23. We will meet after the 10:30 AM service (11:45 AM-12:45 PM) in the 3rd Floor Youth Classroom.
Youth in grades 7-12 are invited to join us for a Youth Group meeting on April 16. We will meet after the 10:30 AM service (11:45 AM-12:45 PM) in the 3rd Floor Youth Classroom.
Our Good Friday Stations of the Cross interactive service for Children and Families will be held on April 7 at 5:15 PM. We hope you will join us for this service and all of Holy Week.
Youth in grades 7-12 are invited to join us for a Youth Group meeting on March 26. We will meet after the 10:30 AM service (11:45 AM-12:45 PM) in the 3rd Floor Youth Classroom.