Children | Youth | Family

Filtering by: Children | Youth | Family

Annual Pumpkin Carving and Chili Supper
12:00 PM12:00

Annual Pumpkin Carving and Chili Supper

Trinity’s Annual Pumpkin Carving and Chili Supper is Sunday, Oct. 27 in Gardner Hall after the 10:30 AM service. Bring your pumpkins and your favorite chili – and enjoy some family fun! Carving supplies provided. If you plan to bring chili, please RSVP to Patty Kircher at

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Fall Kickoff and Ministry Fair
9:30 AM09:30

Fall Kickoff and Ministry Fair

Trinity’s Fall Kick-off is coming up on Sunday, August 25. We will hold one COMBINED service at 9:30 AM (Quiet, Rite I) followed by food, fellowship, and FUN-raising. Lunch will be a Parish Potluck, and a Ministry Fair in Clarkson will have information about many of Trinity’s ministries.

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Christmas Eve Children's Pageant Service
4:30 PM16:30

Christmas Eve Children's Pageant Service

The first Christmas Eve service at Trinity Cathedral will begin with a violin music prelude at 4 PM, followed by worship at 4:30 PM in the Cathedral Nave. This service will include our annual Children’s Christmas Pageant, and the prelude features Liam Richardson and Dryden Meints on the violin

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Advent Wreaths, Fellowship, & Celebrating Mtr. Lisa
9:30 AM09:30

Advent Wreaths, Fellowship, & Celebrating Mtr. Lisa

All are welcome to join us on Sunday, December 3, between the services (9:30-10:15 AM) and after the later service (11:45 PM) to celebrate Mtr. Lisa’s ministry & ordination and make Advent Wreaths in Gardner Hall.

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Harvest Chili Potluck & Pumpkin Carving
12:00 PM12:00

Harvest Chili Potluck & Pumpkin Carving

All are invited to our annual Chili Potluck and Pumpkin Carving on Sunday, October 22! Meet in Gardner Hall after the 10:30 AM service for delicious chili, fun, and fellowship. Some stencils, paper, pens, and carving supplies will be provided. Please bring your own pumpkin.

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Fall Kick-Off and Parish Picnic
12:00 PM12:00

Fall Kick-Off and Parish Picnic

Join us after the 10:30 AM service on Sunday, August 27, for a potluck lunch and outdoor activities as we kick off our fall program year! More information to come. If you would like to volunteer to help setup or cleanup, please email the office at

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