Recovery Eucharist
Trinity will host DioNeb’s Annual Recovery Eucharist on Friday, Jan. 31 at 7 PM in the Cathedral and livestreamed on our YouTube Channel.
Trinity will host DioNeb’s Annual Recovery Eucharist on Friday, Jan. 31 at 7 PM in the Cathedral and livestreamed on our YouTube Channel.
The community of The Benedictine Way invites you to their Advent Taize Service on Tuesday, Dec. 10 at 7 PM.
On Sunday, July 28, we will be joined by Deacon Teresa Houser and the women of Magdalene Omaha! Deacon Teresa will preach at both services, and Thistle Lights products will be available for purchase in the Clarkson Center.
Registration for Camp Canterbury opens on Sunday, May 5 at 7 AM at campcanterbury.episcopal-ne.org. Trinity will have computers and forms available that Sunday after the 10:30 AM service in the Clarkson Conference Room.
Trinity will host a Recovery Celebration Service, (aka Recovery Eucharist) on the evening of Wednesday, February 7 at 7 pm in the cathedral nave. All are welcome to attend.
Trinity Cathedral will host The Benedictine Way’s Fifth Anniversary Foundation Day on Friday, September 15, at 6 PM! Br. Jerry Thompson, OSB will make his solemn profession of the monastic vow, Bishop Barker will preside, followed by an outdoor reception with food trucks.
On Sunday, August 20, Dean Vanessa Clark and Dean Katie Hargis will be doing a “Dean’s Pulpit Exchange.” Dean Clark will be preaching at St. Mark’s Pro Cathedral in Hastings, and Dean Hargis will be joining us here at Trinity for both services. We hope to see you on this special Sunday!
The Trinity Cathedral Choir leads a “Lessons and Carols” service on Saturday, December 17 at 5:00 PM at St. Mark’s Pro-Cathedral in Hastings, NE. All are welcome!
The Celebration of New Ministry for Dean Vanessa Clark has been rescheduled to Friday, March 25, beginning with the Celebration of Holy Eucharist at 7:00 PM at Trinity Cathedral. A reception will follow in the Clarkson Center after the service.
The Sun Does Shine: How I Found Life and Freedom on Death Row is a memoir by Anthony Ray Hinton. Hinton was wrongfully convicted and spent thirty years on Alabama's death row before securing his release with the assistance of civil rights attorney and author of Just Mercy, Bryan Stevenson. Together we will explore themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the power of hope.
Come join Nebraska's Inspector General of Corrections, Doug Koebernick, and the Episcopal Diocese of Nebraska's Balancing the Scales of Justice for a conversation about Nebraska's correctional system. Following Doug's presentation, participants will have the opportunity to hear from a panel of nonprofits, service organizations, and ministries that serve returning citizens and currently incarcerated Nebraskans. The event will take place in the cathedral nave, and live on our Trinity Cathedral YouTube Channel.
Bishop Scott Barker and the Diocese of Nebraska Balancing the Scales of Justice Task Force invite you into prayerful silence for the reform of the Nebraska prison system and abolition of the Death Penalty. On Thursday, October 10, join us at Grace Episcopal Church in Tecumseh, which is a few blocks from the State Correctional Institution, in silent prayer from Noon - 6 p.m. A short prayer service will be held every hour. Bishop Barker will preach and preside at the Holy Eucharist at 6 p.m. RSVP to Br. James Dowd at jdowd@episcopal-ne.org.
A reconciliation paradigm is at the heart of faith. The reality of racial division is one of lament. May we seek healing. Join us for an ecumenical race and reconciliation worship service, followed by a time to enjoy fellowship afterwards.
May we come together and honor the memory of Will Brown as a faith community.
Trinity Cathedral, Church of the Resurrection, and All Saints invite the Diocese of Nebraska to an eight-day prayer vigil for racial justice and reconciliation. This is the 400th anniversary of the start of the slave trade in America, and the 100th anniversary of the brutal lynching of William Brown by an Omaha mob.
On Sunday, September 29th, the Durham Museum (801 S. 10th Street) offers free admission the the exhibit “Race: Are We So Different?” from 1:00 - 5:00 pm
Trinity Cathedral, Church of the Resurrection, and All Saints invite the Diocese of Nebraska to an eight-day prayer vigil for racial justice and reconciliation. This is the 400th anniversary of the start of the slave trade in America, and the 100th anniversary of the brutal lynching of William Brown by an Omaha mob.
The first event is a free dinner and discussion of the film "Traces of the Trade" on Friday, September 20th 6:00 pm All Saints (9302 Blondo). Follow the personal journey of the DeWolf family, Episcopalians from New England, as they discover their ancestors were the largest slave-trading family in U.S. history.
Join the community of The Benedictine Way to welcome new members and celebrating the community growing from three members to TEN! The Holy Eucharist will be held on Wednesday, September 11 at 6:00 PM at Church of the Resurrection, with a reception to follow on The Benedictine Way campus. Hope to see you there!
The Omaha-area Episcopal Churches invite you to walk with us and scores of other churches and businesses in the 2019 Heartland Pride parade. The parade starts at 10:00 am on Saturday, June 29th, in the Old Market, starting at 15th and Harney. The route is about 10 blocks. Please gather at 9:30 on the west side of the W. Dale Clark Library on 15th Street between Douglas and Farnam. Look for the Episcopal banner! LGBTQ Episcopalians and straight friends and allies have been participating in this event for ten years, as a statement and reminder that the Episcopal Church welcomes everyone, and that “God’s love for all” means all. Join us as we celebrate our churches as truly welcoming and compassionate communities of faith and demonstrate the meaning of hospitality and the wide embrace of God’s love.
Join fellow Episcopalians from Trinity Cathedral and the other Omaha-area churches for a fun night at the baseball park! Come and see the Stormchasers on Friday, June 21 at 7:00pm (fireworks to follow!) at Werner Park and enjoy the game as well as fun and fellowship with Omaha Episcopalians.
The RVSP deadline has passed (June 9)
The Combined Choirs of Trinity Cathedral, All Saints Episcopal Church, and St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church offer their annual service of Choral Evensong (sung Evening Prayer) on the First Sunday in Lent. The service, which rotates annually between the three churches, is hosted by Trinity Cathedral this year.
oin us in welcoming the new community of The Benedictine Way and in dedicating Incarnation Monastery and St. Benedict’s House. Our Monk in Residence, Brother James Dowd will be commissioned as Prior of this community, and the first postulants will be received. Bishop Barker will celebrate the Holy Eucharist at 6:00 pm. Supper will follow for all.
We look forward to seeing you on this exciting day for our Trinity Cathedral & Omaha community and the Diocese of Nebraska!