A Middle Way in the Midwest
This year’s conference focuses on the urgent need to look for new ways forward as the Church continues to find its feet in a rapidly evolving time. The challenges, experiments, failures, and successes of dioceses, churches, and Christian communities in the Midwest offer an example of exploring these new ways forward while maintaining our rich Anglican heritage.
Our standard as Christians and Episcopalians will always be the proclamation of the Gospel and working for the mission of Christ, and experience shows that those values are best lived in sustainable expressions of community and stability.
So how do we do that in ways that are vibrant and relevant? And while we’re busy figuring that out, how can we resist the posture of scarcity, or the fantasy of our former days of plenty?
Join us in Omaha, NE to explore these questions and more with The Most Rev. Sean Rowe, Presiding Bishop, and Br. James Dowd, OSB, Prior of Incarnation Monastery and The Benedictine Way. Register now.
About the Workshops
The Way Forward: Presiding Bishop Rowe will offer us his vision of deepening the sustainability of the Episcopal Church’s witness to the gospel by examining structural changes to Episcopal culture and processes.
The Benedictine Way: Br. Dowd will present the positive impact of spiritual discipline in the tradition of the Benedictine vow of stability to a community. He is working with several Heartland cathedrals already encouraging congregations and individuals to “follow Jesus in a specific way, a Benedictine way, which includes a life of prayer, service to the poor and forgotten, and a life of fellowship in community.”
Remember there is assistance!
Apply for diocesan continuing education funds - this 100% is continuing education. Also, there is NACD assistance available which can assist with registration ($395 US), hotels ($149/night), or travel. Please contact Dean Amy McCreath directly for questions: amccreath@diomass.org or (m) 617-967-7780. You can register before payment. Don’t worry, my Canon for Admin and Finance will gently hound you if we don’t have your fee by April 16.