Since the earliest days of the church, the liturgies of Holy Week and Easter have been the most important of the year for Christians. Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil don’t just commemorate the final days and events of Jesus’ life, they recreate them. They invite us to walk with Jesus on a journey of friendship, betrayal, suffering, grief, death, astonishment, mystery, love, and victory. Holy Week is an emotional and spiritually powerful experience that renews our faith in God’s power to overcome death, sin, and evil, and leaves us inspired to live every day in a way that proclaims love wins. The journey begins on March 25th with the Sunday of the Passion/Palm Sunday. Traveling it will renew your faith, restore hope, and inspire you to proclaim God’s love with your whole life. We hope you will join us.
for more information on Holy Week and Easter at Trinity Cathedral, click here