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We invite you to make prayer a regular part of your day, even while you are at home. We invite you to read below to find some of the resources available that we recommend. Is there one not listed here that you use? Email or call us to let us know and we will add it to the list!

Book of Common Prayer

For Individuals and Families: These short liturgies for the morning, noon, evening, and close of the day offer an intentional way to pray at home for you and/or your household. They begin on page 137 in the Book of Common Prayer, which can be accessed at and by clicking The Daily Office on the left of your screen.


Morning at the Office: A podcast of Morning Prayer offered by Forward Movement

An Evening at Prayer: A podcast of Evening Prayer offered by Forward Movement

Compline with the Reverend Sarah L. Bronos

Morning Prayer from the Episcopal Church in Garett County


Mission St. Clare: A free app with Morning and Evening Prayer


Forward Day by Day: Many of you read the devotion in the Forward Day by Day devotional. That devotion can be accessed at Should you still desire a physical copy of that devotional, please email Linda MacTaggart at and we will mail one to you.

The Daily Office Online

Prayer Calendars

Spiritual Communion at home from the Forward Movement

Coronavirus, Anxiety, Children And The Church

ChurchNext, a ministry of Forward Movement, has released a set of free courses, Prayer and Worship in Our Homes. These courses equip people for prayer and worship even if they cannot gather with others in person at church. Prayer and Worship in Our Homes includes five classes:

Habits of Grace: An invitation for you, from Presiding Bishop Curry
As we learn how to adjust our lives given the reality of the coronavirus and the request to do our part to slow its spread by practicing social distancing, I invite you to join me each week to take a moment to cultivate a ‘habit of grace.’ A new meditation will be posted on Mondays through May.

How2Charist: Digital Instructed Eucharist

Faith @ Home: Reading, Reflecting, and Responding to Scripture in the Context of Community

Sung Compline from Trinity Cathedral, Omaha, NE